Virginia Beach, Virginia I want to thank you for today's session. I am still processing it all but in a good way. This was huge for me. And get this....I don't have the urge to eat something!!! It is almost 11pm and I am usually snacking on something by now. The urge just IS NOT there! Could it be... Is it true... Did this session address my bad eating habits. Is it tied to intimacy and sex... Holy crap! This is so huge for me. My mind is totally amazed at how you picked up on the conversation we needed to have and then (seemingly out of no where) I just kept getting all of those thoughts that led me to the source of my issues. This is freaking amazing!! Seriously!! I am a bit awestruck by what occurred. I want it to sink in to my mind and body that it is gone... Just like that. Poof. What a convoluted path this all took to get here. I know it needed to be done in just this way... As it is the right time and right place, etc. But.... Wow! I am actually experiencing what achieving this goal actually feels like. I trusted that I'd get here but for so long...there was no much darkness and pain and misery. And Poof... The source was found and simply tapped away. I just wanted to say that you can use anything I said here as a quote for your website or to help someone else. Nancie The Villages, Florida "I was fortunate enough to work recently with Ilyse Rothman using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Through her experience and intuition, I was able to release emotional pain, anger and resentment from my past which were impacting my physical body. Ilyse interjected just the right wisdom at the right time to get to the core of my stored feelings. I feel so much more joyful and light as a result of our working together. Thank you, Ilyse." Indeed, thank you, Ilyse. It was a wonderful experience working with you. I wish you my best in your continued work with others. You are a blessing to many. Love, Nancy Dick Bright Diabetes Support Group Facilitator, The Villages Florida - The Power of EFT Attendee Hi Ilyse I quietly attended the Energy Meditation meeting yesterday and was very impressed. Your focus on the EFT technique was well done and I believe will be of value to our Diabetes Support Group. - The video helped.- I was only lukewarm after the Joy Filled Living meeting, which I realize was focusing on interactivity of the club rather than the EFT Technique. But now I am a fan, although I'm not much into the metaphysical. You are good and I am thankful. regards, Dick Steve Scantzoulis The Villages Resident - The Power of EFT Attendee Thanks for the presentation this morning at Lake Miona Rec (Energy Meditation) - You actually brought a little improved clarity to some serious personal issues in this short session, which is really saying a lot. Steve Scantzoulis Sheila McDonald — 5 stars Ilyse has done me a wonderful favor by coming into my life and helping me with mental, emotional and physical pain relief... All I can say is "Thank You Ilyse"... "I love you"... Sheila M. Kris Ferraro — 5 stars Ilyse has an uncanny knack for isolating the emotional causes behind physical pain. She is extremely compassionate and knowledgeable. I have benefited greatly from her services and enjoy her wit and wisdom. Kathleen Riehl Zeren — 5 stars My few sessions with Ilyse helped a LOT! It's like magic, I swear. You arrive with troubles or pain and start talking about it. Ilyse helps you get to the root. Then you tap on it (no kidding it sounds funny but just do it). Then the root source of your trouble vanishes! Like you don't always even remember what trouble you came in to solve! Just give this a try. You won't be disappointed! Life can be so great! THANKS Ilyse! Lisa Rodney - PA — 5 stars I have had the great good fortune of Tapping with Ilyse Rothman on a number of occasions. Not only did I feel more relaxed, at ease and clear about whatever issue was on my mind right after the session, but I soon found that the issues were no longer issues! She helped me to get beyond the issue and release it from my life completely! This technique works and Ilyse is wonderful at guiding through this process. Marietta Yoli Goldman- VA — 5 stars Thank you Ilyse for helping me clear out some of the garbage that has been blocking me. I am so amazed how just a few sessions of Tapping has removed pain that has plagued me for years. You exude such a natural positive energy that helped me to feel safe and secure while diving into some pretty uncomfortable issues. I looking forward to continuing our work together! |